Shorts #1: Close Call


I pulled up to the curb next to Elliott’s school this morning. There was a long line of cars clogging the usual drop-off area, but I saw one opening. I swung into the very last space before the intersection. I overshot it a bit, so I put the vehicle in reverse and eased it back a couple of feet.

I’m not much of a car guy, but I did take notice of the brand new, shiny, black and silver BMW in my rear-view mirror. It was sitting directly behind my pale, urine-colored, 12-year-old Toyota Camry.

In my best Scottish accent, I told Elliott to “have a great day” and I watched him as he made his way into the school. The traffic light ahead of me was red, but I knew it was about to turn green. There were cars coming up from behind me, so I got ready to gun it, to get through the intersection before the other cars got there. I put my foot on the gas pedal, pressing slightly to prepare for the gunning.

I felt the car move backwards.

I had completely forgotten to shift the car into drive. It was still in reverse! I felt my stomach do a little flip as I imagined what my morning would’ve become had I gunned it straight away. I’d have smashed my beat-up, old, practical car into that beautiful, sleek, luxury car right in front of my son’s school. Can you imagine? It would have been a crazy mess.

I shifted the automobile into drive, the light turned green and I carefully, and somewhat sheepishly, pulled away from the curb and through the intersection. A feeling of “near disaster” stayed with me the whole way to work.

Even now, writing about it I’m a little nauseous.

The End.

One response to “Shorts #1: Close Call”

  1. Avatar

    Wow!! Don’t dwell on it it will makeu crazy on what could have happened believe meit has happened to me

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